Amiga Keyboard Shortcut Theory
You can specify keyboard shortcuts for each item, if you want. You
are not allowed to use the same key for more than one item (ButtonMenu
will tell you if you do). Pressing any of the keys a..z in your
generated menu will have exactly the same effect as keys A..Z, thus
case is not important (unless you have the doc�function enabled!)
There are a few ways of denoting the keyboard shortcut in the item
text. For example, with shortcut `B' you could have:
[B]uttonMenu or (B)uttonMenu or {B}uttonMenu etc...
But the preferred way is to use an underscore character underneath
the letter to be emphasized - like most new Amiga applications. You
do this in ButtonMenu by putting an `_' character directly before the
character to be underscored. For example:
"_ButtonMenu" produces ButtonMenu
Therefore, only use the underscore character for this purpose - using
more than one won't make any difference as the leftmost ones will be
ignored and not displayed.
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